Tiaki Nga Wai O Hokianga
Welcomes You
"Kei te whakaaro au o te taiao."
Our kaupapa is simple - to improve the health of the Hokianga Harbour by restoring the health of the waterways and catchments that flow into the harbour.
Hokianga Harbor Care Incorporated is a charitable trust based in the South Hokianga and funded to deliver freshwater restoration projects on local rivers, streams and wetlands.
We grow eco sourced native trees to plant along waterways, recreate wetlands and stabilize erosion-prone hill country.
Our team does the mahi to fence, establish and maintain planting sites, do weed control and provide expertise and support to work alongside landowners, the community, and collective aspirations.
Building capability and employment for tangata whenua and community is another important part of our mahi through engagement, education and the application of matauranga.

Meaningful Work. Unforgettable Experiences.
Beginning as a volunteer organisation in 2017, we received funding from MPI 1 Billion Trees in 2020 for a three-year catchment restoration project in the South Hokianga. Within 12 months we then secured further funding from Pub Charities, Foundation North and Ministry for the Environment Jobs For Nature - Freshwater Improvement Fund - to expand our work into a four-year project which now:
Employs five full-time and six part-time kaimahi
Hires local contractors and consultants
Provides training and school programmes
Grows native trees in three different local nurseries
Our target under the project is to establish 250,000 native, eco-sourced plants and restore 80 hectares of riparian, wetland and erosion prone land around the south Hokianga and completing 70km of fencing and 60 ha of pest plant control, working with landowners, iwi/hapu/whanau and communities to restore 80 hectares of freshwater catchments across Hokianga and it's freshwater ecosystems.
Along with the field work we also deliver workshops and hui, bringing together community, iwi/hapu, and other groups and organisations to collectively deliver this important mahi.
As a non-profit, funded organisation we survive due to the generosity and support of our community. We are extremely grateful to our funders and other sources of donations and sponsorships which all helps us to meet our goals and protect the health of nga awa.